Fact Check
Fact Check: Old Image Goes Viral Claiming It To Be Of Girl Recently Murdered In West Bengal

Image Credit: Patrike

Fact Check

Fact Check: Old Image Goes Viral Claiming It To Be Of Girl Recently Murdered In West Bengal

Yusha Rahman
12 Feb 2021 2:18 PM GMT

An image of a minor girl who died by suicide in Uttar Pradesh has gone viral with the claim that it is of the alleged rape and murder victim from Kolkata.

On February 4, many media houses reported murder of an 8-year-old girl in Jorabagan area of Kolkata, a day after she went missing. The locals suspected sexual assault. In the context of this incident, an image of a girl along with a newspaper clipping of the incident has gone viral on social media to seek justice for the victim.

Archana Dalmia, Chairperson of Grievances Cell of Indian National Congress, tweeted the image with the caption, "Rape is a heinous crime. These beasts should be hanged in public without any delay...My heart goes out for her family and pray God give strength to her family."

Link to the post can be seen here.

[ Disclaimer: We have blurred the image to hide the identity of the girl.]

The same claim is viral on Twitter.

The post can be viewed here.

The post is also viral on Facebook.

You can view the post here.


The viral image is of the girl who was recently murdered in Kolkata.

Fact Check:

On doing the reverse image search, The Logical Indian found that the same image was published on a website, NewsYatra, on October 27, 2020. The article was about a 25-year-old girl who died by suicide in Uttar Pradesh's Etawah. According to the report, Om Prakash Singh, Additional Superintendent of Police said that the father of the girl alleged that the reason behind her death was harassment by a boy.

The same image was also published by Amar Ujala.

According to Indian Express, the police said that the accused possessed the victim's photos, which he had allegedly used to blackmail her. The report also stated that the accused was arrested under the charges of sexual harassment and abetment of suicide and police had also invoked sections of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act.

Hence, the viral image is old and unrelated to the recent murder of a girl in Kolkata.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

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