Fact Check
Fact Check: Old Video Of Nitin Gadkari Revived Claiming He Slammed PM Modi For Andolanjivi Remark

Image Credit: Economic Times

Fact Check

Fact Check: Old Video Of Nitin Gadkari Revived Claiming He Slammed PM Modi For Andolanjivi Remark

Yusha Rahman
11 Feb 2021 12:29 PM GMT

An old video of Nitin Gadkari in which he is referring to the anti-corruption bill has gone viral with the claim that he is condemning PM Narendra Modi over his 'Andolanjivi' remark.

Netizens are sharing a video of Nitin Gadkari, Central Minister for Road Transport & Highways, with a claim that Gadkari through this speech has slammed Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his 'Andolanjivi' remarks.

On February 8, PM Modi while speaking in the Rajya Sabha during the Motion of Thanks on President's address, said, "A new type of people have propped up in the country they are andolan jivi." In context to this, many opposition leaders and social media users slammed PM Modi, for calling the farmers protesting against the contentious farm laws as andolanjivi.

In the video, he can be heard saying, "Whatever the Prime Minister is saying is against Democracy. In this nation, it is the right of opposition and every citizen to protest against the corrupt government and corrupt leaders under the rule of democracy. These rights are not given to us by Congress party or PM but are bestowed upon us by the constitution. Freedom of right is our fundamental speech, so on what basis the PM is saying that we should not hold a peaceful protest. Is his remark legal and constitutional? I think PM should self-introspect about it. Ek thing is for sure, those who used to say that there was no corruption in 2G spectrum, those who called Baba Ramdev Saint and met him 3-4 hours and held discussions with Anna Hazare, then they were good. Now when these people are speaking against corruption, then they are targeting them. If you speak against us then we will not let your protest be successful, we have this intent. On one side the way government is working and on the other side, the remarks made by PM are all against Democracy. The citizen who considers the Democracy as their soul will never support this kind of behaviour because during Emergency whatever happened against democracy, the citizens condemned it. Similarly, if PM wants to lead the country this way then the citizens will not tolerate it."

A Twitter user, Brahmdeo Paswan shared the video with the caption, "Yesterday Prime Minister Modi Ji made remarks like 'andolanjivi, parjivi' and today Nitin Gadkari ji came in front of media to oppose him along with Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad. Even they did not like the statement."


Nitin Gadkari condemned PM Modi over 'andolanjivi' remarks.

Fact Check:

On doing a keyword search, we found the same video was published by BJP's official YouTube channel on August 16, 2011, much before the Modi govt came to power. The video is dated August 15, 2011. In the full video, he can be seen saying that it is the necessity of the nation is to punish the accused of 2G spectrum scam and Commonwealth Games scam.

Hence, the video is of 2011 and Nitin Gadkari was supporting the anti-corruption protest that flared in India lead by social activist, Anna Hazare. The protest was against the then party in power, Congress party.

Gadkari's comment was a retaliation to the then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's Independence day speech of 2011, in which he said the countrymen to not be hasty about Lokpal Bill. He said, "We want a strong Lokpal to prevent corruption in high places. We have recently introduced a Bill in Parliament to achieve this. Now only Parliament can decide what type of Lokpal legislation should be enacted. I am aware of the differences of opinion on some aspects of the Bill. Those who don't agree with this Bill can put forward their views to Parliament, political parties and even the press. However, I also believe that they should not resort to hunger strikes and fasts unto death."

Therefore, the video is old and unrelated to the farmers' protest.

The content was earlier fact-checked by The Quint.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

Also Read: Fact Check: UK Politician Tweets Misleading Infographic In Favour Of Farm Laws

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