Fact Check
Fact Check: Clipped Video Of Muslim Preacher Revived To Insinuate That Ongoing Farmers Protest Is Move To Destroy Economy

Image Credit: Uday India

Fact Check

Fact Check: Clipped Video Of Muslim Preacher Revived To Insinuate That Ongoing Farmers' Protest Is Move To Destroy Economy

Yusha Rahman
10 Feb 2021 11:41 AM GMT

An old video of a Muslim preacher calling for street protest is being shared hinting that the ongoing farmer's protest is a malicious attempt to hamper the economy.

A video with title "Maulana Explaining Why Street Protest Is Important Because It Harms India's Economy" is being shared on social media where a Muslim preacher can be seen speaking. Many people are sharing the video to insinuate that farmers' protest against the three contentious farm laws is planned so that it can destroy the economy of the nation.

In the video, Maulana can be heard saying, "If you are protesting then you know what is the benefit? Foreign investors who invest in Indian share market, when they see that people are protesting in the nation then they stop investing as a result Indian market goes down."

The video is viral with different captions. A Twitter user Anand Maitri shared the video with the caption, "Maulana is explaining why Street protests is important... Listen it.....#RakeshTikat"

A Twitter user named 'Baba' shared the video with the caption, "Nothing new just another peaceful person, Rt it too guys." This post has over 250 retweets.


In the viral video, the preacher is asking his followers to protest so to harm India's economy.

Fact Check:

While searching with the statement 'Maulana Explaining why street protest is important' on Twitter', We noticed that the same video was viral on February 25, 2020, when a Twitter handle, Political Kida had tweeted it. Hence, the preacher in the video is not preaching to protest against the farm laws.

The Logical Indian searched with the keyword, 'Maulana Explaining why street protest is important' and found an article published by OpIndia on February 25, 2020. The article had the screengrab from the video. Based on the article we found that the name of the preacher in the viral video is Maulana Abdullah Salim Chaturvedi and the video was of the time when people were protesting against the Citizenship Amendment Act.

We searched for the videos of Maulana Abdullah Salim Chaturvedi on YouTube and found the full video was published by a verified YouTube channel, Message Media on February 12, 2020. At 39:11 timestamp, he can be seen making the same statement which has gone viral on social media. In the complete video, he can be seen motivating people for peaceful protest. He says, "Whoever thinks what's the benefit of protest must know that if you are protesting then when foreign investors who invest in Indian share market see that people are protesting in the nation then they stop investing as a result Indian market cripples. If you do any protest then the government gets disturbed so don't think that if two people are protesting at Denga chowk, it will not create any impact." In the same video, he can also be heard saying that govt should implement the Citizenship Act and National Population Register(NPR) constitutionally and legally, and without any religious bias. He also said that he himself encouraged people to register for NPR in the starting but when the changes were brought to it, he stopped promoting it.

The Logical Indian contacted Maulana Abdullah Salim Chaturvedi, who confirmed that the video is old. He said, "I support farmers protest but at the same time if the government is trying to bring a law in favour of farmers then they should properly explain it to those people." "The farmers are protesting for days now, so the government must find a solution for it."

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

Also Read: Fact Check: Image Of Man Dying On Street Shared As Farmer Dying During Ongoing Farmers' Protest

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