Fact Check
Fact Check: Sudarshan News Falsely Reports Old Video Of Nihang Sikhs Attacking A Bus As Ongoing Farmers Protest

Image Credit: Economic Times

Fact Check

Fact Check: Sudarshan News Falsely Reports Old Video Of Nihang Sikhs Attacking A Bus As Ongoing Farmers' Protest

Yusha Rahman
5 Feb 2021 9:48 AM GMT

An old video of Nihang Sikhs damaging a PRTC bus has gone viral on social media in context with the ongoing farmers' protest. Sudarshan News tweeted the video with the hashtag #IndiaAgainstPropaganda #KhalistaniExposed.

A video of Nihang Sikhs (armed Sikh warriors) attacking a Punjab Road Transport Corporation (PRTC) bus has gone viral on social media. People are sharing the video with the caption that hints that the Nihang Sikhs who are damaging the bus are associated with the ongoing farmers' protest. The video is being shared with a Hindi caption, the translation of which in English is, "The country is watching all this patiently, not just those who are doing, but also those who are celebrating."

The video is viral on Facebook and Twitter.


The video of Nihang Sikhs attacking PRTC bus is related to the ongoing farmers' protest.

Fact Check:

The Logical Indian searched with the keywords, 'Nihang Sikhs attack PSRTC', and found the same video was published by multiple YouTube channels in 2019. Thus, we can definitely say that the video is old and isn't related to the ongoing farmers' protest against the farm laws.

A YouTube channel P24 News reported the video on September 23, 2019. According to the description of the video, "A clash happened between the bus driver and a Nihang Sikh, injuring the Nihang Sikh, which angered other people of the community and thus, they attacked the bus.

The Tribune also reported about the incident on September 20, 2019. According to the report, Nihang jatha damaged a PRTC Kapurthala depot bus by swords and sharp weapons. The incident reportedly happened after the bus allegedly accidentally hit one of the horses of the jatha. The Nihangs blocked the drivers' way and attacked the bus. The report also said that the police took no actions because no one reported the matter to them. Kapurthala depot said they chose not to report the incident.

Hence, the video is being circulated on social media with a fake context, and it is not related to ongoing farmers' protest.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

Also Read: Fact Check: Unrelated Image Shared To Claim Farmers' Protest Is Happening In Remote Villages Of India

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