Fact Check
Fact Check: Unrelated Image Shared To Claim Farmers Protest Is Happening In Remote Villages Of India
Fact Check

Fact Check: Unrelated Image Shared To Claim Farmers' Protest Is Happening In Remote Villages Of India

Yusha Rahman
4 Feb 2021 2:21 PM GMT

An old image of a fleet of bullock cart has gone viral on social media claiming the photo is of farmers' protest happening in rural India.

Many social media users are sharing a photo of a fleet of bullock carts with the claim that the photo is of farmers' protesting against the farm bills in the remote villages of India. The photo is shared with the caption, "This is a tight slap on the face of Godi media, farmers' protest has reached to the most backward village of the country."

ये थप्पड़ है गोदी मीडिया के मुंह पर... देश के सबसे पिछड़े गांवों तक भी किसानों का इन्कलाब पहुंच गया है..


Posted by Ham sa Haryana Aale on Monday, 1 February 2021

The image is viral on Facebook.

Many Twitter users are also sharing the post.


The image is of ongoing farmers' protest happening in remote villages of India.

Fact Check:

The Logical Indian did a Google reverse image search and found that the same image was published by Patrika on September 13, 2018. According to the article, Youth Congress and National Student Union of India (NSUI) had organised a bullock cart rally to protest against a constant hike in petrol in 2018. The image is of Madhya Pradesh's Balaghat.

Nai Duniya had also reported about the bullock cart rally organised by Congress against the rise in petrol and diesel prices. The protesters also gifted the then Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan a bicycle to show their resentment.

Thus, the photo is old and is not related to the ongoing farmers' protest.

The claim was earlier fact-checked by Alt News.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

Also Read: Fact Check: Republic Bharat Uses Old Video To Report Feud Between Leaders Of Farmers' Protest

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