Fact Check
Fact Check

Fact Check: Did Group Of Men Heckle Muslim Women For Buying Clothes From Hindu Shop?

Yashas PR
22 May 2020 11:07 AM GMT

A viral video is circulating online which shows a group of men heckling Muslim women allegedly buying clothes for Ramzan from a non-Muslim shop.

A video showing a group of men heckling Muslim women outside a shop has gone viral on social media. Many readers of The Logical Indian reached out to us on our official WhatsApp number(6364000343) to fact-check this viral video.

The 2:19 minute WhatsApp video shows a group of men harassing Muslim women for allegedly buying clothes for Ramzan from a non-Muslim shop. The Mob can also be heard demanding the women to return the products they bought.

Multiple keyword searches led to different versions of the same video being shared on Twitter and Facebook.

In a tweet, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Shobha Karandlaje demanded action against the 'Religious Extremists' heckling the Muslim women in the video.


Group of men heckling Muslim Women for buying clothes from a non-Muslim Shop.

Fact Check:

The claim is true.

Keyword search on Google led to multiple news reports confirming the claims with which the video is being shared on social media. The video is of Davangere district of Karnataka.

Two similar incidents including the one being reported here have surfaced and 2 FIRs has been filed against Group of men for heckling the Women in Karnataka and five have been arrested.

The Logical Indian team contacted Nagesh Aithal, Deputy Superintendent Police of Davangere City(Sub-Division) regarding the Incident.

"Case has been registered at both Basavangara and Davangere-Extension police stations, necessary action being taken against the accused" said Aithal.

On access to the 2 FIRs, it can be confirmed that cases have been registered under various sections of the IPC, including wrongful restraining, illegal assembly, and vilification or attacks on religion or race.

According to the FIRs, the incident occurred in front of a local Cotton Shop between 14-05-2020 and 17-05-2020. It also identifies one of the accused as a 30-year-old man named Khalid Pailvan.

The Original FIRs can be accessed here.

Therefore given the evidence, It can be confirmed that Muslim women in Karnataka were heckled by a group of men for allegedly shopping in a non-Muslim store.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

Also Read: Fact Check: Did SP Leader Abu Azmi's Supporters Chant 'Pakistan Zindabad' At Mumbai Railway Station?

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