Fact Check
Video Shared Online To Claim Surgical Masks Have Black Worm Like Creatures In It

Image Credit: Pexels

Fact Check

Video Shared Online To Claim Surgical Masks Have Black Worm Like Creatures In It

Yusha Rahman
1 May 2021 11:47 AM GMT

Netizens are sharing a video to claim that disposable surgical masks have a black worm-like creatures in it. The Logical Indian Fact-Check team found the claim to be fake.

A video is being shared on social media to claim that disposable surgical masks have black worms in them, which are causing the deaths of many people across the globe.

In the video, a person can be seen burning a bundle of surgical masks in the presence of police, claiming that the masks have black worms in them that cause coronavirus. He says the masks have black worms in them, which come out in the heat; the black worms are visible when we exhale, and when a person inhales, these black worms enter our bodies. The video also shows a zoomed-in look of the mask and claims that many people have died for wearing masks and claims that surgical masks are a global conspiracy to make money.

The video is widely shared on Facebook.

A similar video is also shared on Twitter.

A similar video was uploaded on YouTube channel, MPA making the same claim that surgical masks have black worms.


Disposable surgical masks have black worms in them.

Fact Check:

The Logical Indian found that the black worm-like creatures on the masks are not worms but pieces of fabric.

AltNews zoomed in the image of the facemask and observed black micro-fibre strands even in the absence of heat.

AFP did a fact-check earlier and found that the black worm-like content is not a worm but micro-fibres. AFP quoted Jana Nebesarova, assistant professor at the electron microscopy laboratory at the Biological Center of the Czech Academy of Sciences, who said, "Most likely they are pieces of fabric. The air is full of these fabric fragments, which float around freely together with pollen, mould, parts of dead cells from our skin, microscopic parts of earth etc. The mask or a (swab for a Covid-19) test can contain threads that either got there during the manufacturing process or during their handling just before they were about to be used. In any event, they are not dangerous for a healthy person; this is stuff we breathe in every single day and our ciliated epithelium, which lines our respiratory system, knows how to deal with these alien microscopic particles very well."

A YouTube channel Microbehunter also uploaded a video on April 5, 2021, explaining that the masks have micro-fibres in them. The video is operated by a secondary school biology teacher, Oliver, who has a University degree in research Microbiology/Molecular Biology. In the video, he shows the microfibre strands visible via a portable microscope that was not moving. In the video, he explains that these are not worms but textile fibres from clothing. He further explains that these fibre moves not because they are living creatures but because of the physical process like moisture in our breath, static energy, or if the mask is placed on top of a cup with warm water.

WHO has also recommended the use of medical masks for health workers in clinical settings, anyone who is feeling unwell, including people with mild symptoms, such as muscle aches, slight cough, sore throat or fatigue, anyone awaiting COVID-19 test results or who has tested positive, people caring for someone who is a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 outside of health facilities. For the general public, WHO has recommended the use of non-medical fabric masks.

Many healthcare experts are also suggesting double masking. A report published in Outlook on April 29, 2021, suggested that double masking, i.e., the use of a surgical mask and a cloth mask will help in creating a stronger barrier against the deadly disease and prevent leakage of air and fit the contours of the face better.

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has tweeted and recommended wearing masks.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

Also Read: Fact Check: Video Shared Online To Claim No Crowd At Haridwar's Kumbh Mela

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