Fact Check
Fact Check: NDTV Deletes The Tweet Claiming SC Judges Allowed To Choose Between Two Vaccines

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Fact Check

Fact Check: NDTV Deletes The Tweet Claiming SC Judges Allowed To Choose Between Two Vaccines

Yusha Rahman
1 March 2021 2:50 PM GMT

Social media users falsely claim that Supreme Court judges will be allowed to choose between Covaxin or Covishield for their coronavirus vaccine shot.

India has started its Phase -2 of the vaccine drive from March 1. The vaccines are now available to anyone above the age of 60 and to those older than 45 with comorbidities. They can take the coronavirus vaccine from either a government hospital or a private hospital. In this phase, coronavirus jabs will be provided to Supreme Court judges too and their immediate family members from March 2, 2021.

In context to this. many netizens are sharing posts claiming that Supreme Court judges will be allowed to choose between the coronavirus vaccine that they want to take.

Shama Mohamed, National spokesperson of Congress tweeted, "SC Judges to be vaccinated from tomorrow, can choose which vaccine they want. Vaccination should be democratic. Why do SC judges get to choose between vaccines while the people of India have no choice! This sends the wrong message & raises doubts in the minds of people." The archive of the post can be seen here.

Some other Twiterrati also posted a similar post claiming that Supreme Court judges will be allowed to choose between the vaccines.

NDTV first tweeted about the claim and later deleted it. NDTV posted, "Supreme Court judges to be vaccinated from tomorrow, can choose between 2 vaccines."

There are currently two coronavirus vaccines available in India, one is Covishield and the other is Covaxin. Covaxin is indigenously developed in India by Bharat Biotech; while Covishield is developed by AstraZeneca-Oxford University and manufactured by Serum Institute of India. While Covisheild showed an efficacy of 62%, Covaxin has to still publish its report based on the Phase-3 clinical trial, according to a report by
published on March 1, 2021. Since no exact data on the efficiency of Covishield is available, hence many people are speculating its impact.


Supreme Court judges will be allowed to choose between vaccines available.

Fact Check:

The Logical Indian Indian found a Tweet by Nistula Hebbar, Political editor of The Hindu. In her tweet, she had refuted the claim and said that Supreme Court judges will not be allowed to choose between the vaccine, it will be through the CoWin portal and the CGHS facility. She tweeted, "Supreme Court judges not allowed to choose vaccine, process will be the same for them, via Cowin portal, and the CGHS facility within Supreme Court premises, reports."

According to a report published by Hindustan Times on March 1, CoWin is an app through which people can register for getting coronavirus jab. The slots for getting vaccines can be booked online prior to get the appointment based on available slots on the CoWin portal. According to the Health Ministry, the type of vaccine will be not known to the citizens at the time of online registration. The Health Ministry said, "A Covid vaccination centre shall usually have only one type of vaccine throughout the vaccination drive. This is necessary to avoid mixing of vaccine types in 1st and 2nd dose of a beneficiary." Health Ministry also made it clear that only four people can register from one mobile number.

ANI also tweeted the Health Ministry's clarification on giving coronavirus vaccine to SC judges. ANI said, "Supreme Court judges are not allowed to choose between Covaxin or Covishield. It will be entirely through Co-Win System. Government Facility (CGHS Dispensary) within the Supreme Court to be used, Health Ministry clarifies."

Later, NDTV deleted the tweet.

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