Fact Check
Fact Check: Video Viral With Claim Of Karnataka Medical Officials Fake Covid Vaccination
Fact Check

Fact Check: Video Viral With Claim Of Karnataka Medical Officials Fake Covid Vaccination

Yusha Rahman
21 Jan 2021 4:34 PM GMT

A video of the District Health Officer of Tumkur and Principal of a government nursing college of the district has gone viral on social media claiming both just posed for the camera and did not take the coronavirus vaccine in real. The Logical Indian Fact-Check team debunks the claim.

A video is viral on social media and WhatsApp in which District Health Officer (DHO) of Tumkur, Karnataka and Principle of Government Nursing College, Tumkur are seen posing in front of a camera while pretending to take vaccination shot.

Many people are sharing the video claiming that these two government officials have not taken the vaccination but are just pretending in front of the camera.

A Facebook group, Bangalore 247, shared the video with the caption, "Video of DHO Dr Nagendrappa and Dr Rajani in Tumakuru, #Karnataka Just mocking the taking of jab on day 1 of vaccination on Saturday going viral."

The post can be seen here.

Tumkur (Karnataka) DHO Nagendrappa and govt nursing college principal Rajani pretending to get vaccinated with #Covaxin just for a photo op!

#coronavirus #vaccine #india

Vinod Chand Rajiv Tyagi

Posted by Dimple Dalal on Thursday, 21 January 2021

A website, DaijiWorld.com reported that DHO Nagendrappa and government nursing college Principal Rajani pretended to take the vaccine. Digital media platform oneIndia.com also reported about the incident claiming DHO and principal only pretended to take the coronavirus vaccine.

Both are being severely criticised on social media.


The DHO of Tumkur and Principal of government nursing college pretended to take coronavirus vaccine and have not taken the vaccine in real.

Fact Check:

The Logical Indian spoke to the District Health Officer of Tumkur, MB Nagendrappa, who confirmed that both Principal Rajini and him took the vaccination on January 16, 2021. He said, "We both took the vaccination on the very first day of the coronavirus vaccination drive to encourage the frontline workers to take the coronavirus vaccine. Since vaccination was being given in a separate room and not in public, so the media reporters insisted us to pose for pictures with the vaccine shot. We did as told by them and some miscreant took that video and shared on social media with a fake claim that they did not take the jab."

Nagendrappa also told us that his department knows about this incident and he has also sent a clarification to the Information Officer in this regard. He also told us that as he is going to take legal action against those who are defaming him. He was very saddened at the turn of events and said he has documents which prove that he and Principal Rajini have taken the vaccination. He was representing himself to his senior on the issue when we called him.

Principal Rajani gave an interview to a local journalist and in the interview she said, "I am being trolled on social media and I want to clarify that I took vaccine on January 16 itself. My name was registered on the portal. My office was vaccination site so I was doing arrangements for receiving doctors. After taking the vaccine, when I was getting up then some media people visited the vaccination room and asked for photos. So I again sat". She said that while she was giving pose, some miscreants clicked the photo and shared it on social media.

Hence, the viral video was taken when they were asked to just pose for the media and they have taken the vaccination.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

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