Fact Check
Old Image Shared As Atrocity Of Police In Assam During Coronavirus Lockdown

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Fact Check

Old Image Shared As Atrocity Of Police In Assam During Coronavirus Lockdown

Yusha Rahman
25 May 2021 1:29 PM GMT

An old image of West Bengal has gone viral with a claim that the image is of Assam where police are showing brutality amid the coronavirus curfew. The Logical Indian Fact-Check team found the claim to be fake.

To curb the deadly second wave of the pandemic, states across India have imposed lockdowns. Numerous videos of police atrocities are surfacing on social media as police are trying to implement the lockdown. An image where vegetables are seen scattered on the street while a man is seen collecting them is being shared on social media to claim that the image shows atrocities of police in Assam during the curfew period.

The image is widely being shared on Facebook with a caption, "Beat them if you like. But do not do such inhuman things. Farmers produce them without thinking of the sun and rain. If possible, take off your khaki clothes and get down in the field one day, then you will understand. Seeing some policemen gives me a feeling of respect and some see……When 50% of the pay is reduced then that policeman will understand how difficult life of farmers is. #AssamPolice. #DGP Assam."


The viral image is from Assam, where police threw vegetables of shopkeepers during the coronavirus curfew.

Fact Check:

The Logical Indian did a reverse image search and found the same image was viral in 2020 as well to show the police brutality. A Twitter user shared the image on May 5, 2020, with the caption, "Liquor shops can be opened but poor people cannot sell vegetables? #LiquorShopsOpen #COVID19 #lockdownextension."

Kreately had also used the image in an article published on December 8, 2020, claiming that the image is of violence that happened when the opposition along with farmer leaders had announced a nationwide strike against the contentious farm bill passed by the government of India in September 2020.

A Facebook user Subha Jit shared the image on May 4, 2020, claiming that the image is of Barasat Pioneer Market in Kolkata.

Vishvas News contacted Bidyut Kumar Sharma, Senior Sub-Editor of Asomiya Pratidin, leading daily newspaper in Assam. Sharma told, "This viral post also came to our digital desk at various times. This is actually from West Bengal and has been going viral during the CAA Movement, Lock-downs, Curfews, etc. The image is not from Assam."

Hence, an old image is going viral with false claim that Assam police is doing atrocities amid second wave of coronavirus. The Logical Indian wasn't able to verify the exact location of the picture.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

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