Fact Check
Fake Audio Message On COVID-19 Claiming To Be From Dr Trehan Doing Rounds On WhatsApp

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Fact Check

Fake Audio Message On COVID-19 Claiming To Be From Dr Trehan Doing Rounds On WhatsApp

Yusha Rahman
31 March 2021 1:35 PM GMT

WhatsApp users are sharing an audio message warning against the rise of coronavirus cases in India, claiming that the audio message is from the CMD of Medanta hospital. The Logical Indian Fact-Check team debunked the claim.

An audio message is circulating on WhatsApp claiming to be from Dr Naresh Trehan, CMD of Medanta group. The message talks about rising coronavirus cases and talks about different ways to protect oneself from the virus.

The audio message is being shared at a time when there is a surge in COVID-19 cases across the nation, and there is a second wave of coronavirus.

The audio voice says, "I am going to give you a very special message that I received from China, Italy and WHO. On a personal observation, the dangerous time has started from 23, but from 27 the situation is going to become grave. You must have heard that the last four days and the upcoming 4 days, these 8 days are crucial, as coronavirus takes 8 days for incubation and from tomorrow it is the 9th day, so there will be a surge in cases of coronavirus, so ensure you do not leave home. If you want to get bread or anything then order it on phone and let your watchman receive it, or wear a mask or gloves before taking anything from anyone. I am again repeating the danger will start from tomorrow and this incubation day will start from tomorrow when more positive cases will start coming in. So, this is very essential for us that we need to stay at home. I am also telling you that the kids and adult in your home can easily be affected by the coronavirus, so do not think that we are just wandering in our building or our locality. It was earlier told to maintain a social distance of 3 feet but now that coronavirus can be transmitted through 6 feet as well. What happened in Italy? First fifteen days they thought there is nothing like this, there are no COVID-19 cases, but when from the 9th day, the cases started coming, and the situation became gruesome, then thousands of people were infected, and many died. If anyone comes to meet you, your neighbour or relatives, then tell them that once the situation goes well after 14, then we will meet. And I am telling you once again, distant yourself from people who are having fever, cold or are sneezing, and if you are having COVID-19, then get yourself treated, don't just opt for home remedies. Please share my message with everyone, as the crucial days are starting from midnight today to 14th April, i.e., from April 3, a crucial phase is starting, so stay home and gargle using lukewarm water and salt and drinking lukewarm water is essential. Do not eat refrigerated food. Hope you stay healthy."

The Logical Indian received the audio message for verification on its Whatsapp number +91 63640 00343.


The audio message circulating on Whatsapp is from Dr Naresh Trehan.

Fact Check:

The Logical Indian searched with the keyword, "Dr Naresh Trehan on coronavirus", and found that Medanta had put out two videos of Dr Naresh Trehan speaking about precautions from coronavirus and measures to control the outbreak in India. But both the videos are of 2020.

Medanta took to Twitter to refute the claim that the audio message is from Dr Trehan.

Medanta also posted on Facebook to claim that the viral message is fake.


There is a message circulating on WhatsApp in Dr. Naresh Trehan's name. If the message has not come...

Posted by Medanta on Friday, 26 March 2021

The same audio message was viral in 2020 when Medanta had tweeted about the audio and said it was not from Dr Trehan.

Hence, the viral audio message is not from Dr Trehan.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

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