Fact Check
Old Image Shared As Policeman Carrying Corpse Amid Coronavirus Second Wave In UP

Image CRedit: Pixabay

Fact Check

Old Image Shared As Policeman Carrying Corpse Amid Coronavirus Second Wave In UP

Yusha Rahman
21 May 2021 8:43 AM GMT

An image of a cop carrying a dead body is being shared online with the false claim that he was carrying the body in Uttar Pradesh’s Budaun district.

An image is being shared on social media where one can see a policeman carrying a corpse. It is being shared claiming that it is of the ongoing second wave of the coronavirus pandemic, where a cop in Badaun, Uttar Pradesh, carried a corpse after the family abandoned it and there was no ambulance to carry him for the last rites.

Aradhana Misra Mona, Congress MLA from Rampur Khas, Uttar Pradesh shared the image with the caption, "Family abandons the dead and a Badayun cop taking the body on his shoulders. The policeman should be felicitated. But where are the ambulances and hearse vans that the state govt claims are in abundance. BJP Has Robbed #DignityToTheDead. Sad and Shameful."

The link to the post can be seen here.

Post is also shared on Facebook.

Twitter users also shared the post.


The image is from Uttar Pradesh amid the ongoing second wave of coronavirus pandemic.

Fact Check:

The Logical Indian did a reverse image search and found that Badaun police took to Twitter to say that the above image is not of Badaun and that it is old. The police tweeted, "No such incident came to notice in Janpad district, the police in the image is wearing winter uniforms, this photo is months old. Hence, do not mislead people by saying it is of the present. This incident has no relation with Janpad Badaun."

Another tweet done by UP police personnel Sachin Kaushik informs that the image is old and of Fatehpur district. He also tweeted that as it was not possible for vehicle to reach the place, hence, the vehicle was kept 200-250 metres away. Kaushik tweeted, "The image which is being claimed to be of Badaun is of Agra's Fatehpur Sikri Thana and is of last year. This image is not of coronavirus but before the pandemic began. SI Prashant and Constable Aman carried the corpse till the vehicle that had to carry it to the mortuary and not for last rites."

The Link to the post can be seen here.

Many Facebook users had shared the image with the caption praising Prashant Sinha and calling him incomparable. Further scrolling down the post, we found a post done by DSP Sandeep Verma on May 16, 2021. Verma had tweeted the same image with caption, "I salute Sub-Inspector Prashant Sinha, not everyone can be police officer and not all police can be Prashant Sinha. Hope you receive my salutation."

The link to the post can be seen here.

A Facebook user, Dhammammitra J P Ashok had uploaded the same image on April 7, 2020.

The link to the post can be seen here.

The Quint contacted Prashant Sinha who said, "Upon receiving information that a body was found in a canal in Bharhkol village, constable Aman and I left for the spot. The corpse had decomposed and since it was emanating a stench, no one wanted to get close to the body. So, we carried the corpse till the ambulance, which was parked around 500 metres away and took it to SN Hospital in Agra. The person had drowned and was not COVID positive." Singh is currently posted in Etimad-ud-Daulah police station in Agra.

Hence, an old image is being shared with a fake claim that cop carried dead body of COVID patient who was abandoned by his family.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

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