Fact Check
Sudarshan News Tweets Video Of Scuffle At Jaspur Dargah, Uttrakhand With False Communal Angle

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Fact Check

Sudarshan News Tweets Video Of Scuffle At Jaspur Dargah, Uttrakhand With False Communal Angle

Yusha Rahman
1 April 2021 1:29 PM GMT

Netizens are sharing a video of violence at Jaspur Dargah, Uttrakhand claiming that Hindus were beaten by Muslims for offering chadar on Shab-e-Barat. The Logical Indian Fact Check team debunked the claim.

Sudarshan News tweeted a video of a scuffle with the claim that Hindus who came to offer Chadar at Jaspur Dargah in Uttarakhand were beaten by the shrine's authority. The tweet is shared with the caption, "The Khadim of Mazar beat up seculars who went to offer chadar at Jaspur Dargah in Uttarakhand. Many people saved their lives by hiding. Some time ago, the leftists created a fuss over the incident of the holy Dasna temple".

Later, Many social media users also shared the video with the same claim.

The video is also viral on Facebook.


Hindus were beaten in Jaspur Dargah.

Fact Check:

On doing a keyword search with 'Jaspur Dargah', we came across an article published by ETV Bharat on March 31, 2021. According to the article, a brawl for donation between the visitors and the caretakers of the Jaspur Dargah shrine of Udham Singh Nagar district, Uttarakhand, led to violence in the shrine. Many got injured in the row. A youth named Sonu was seriously injured and was taken to Kashipur hospital. The incident happened on the occasion of Shab-e-Barat.

The article also has a video byte of a victim. The victim can be heard saying, "In the afternoon we went to the shrine, after offering namaz when we came out, the caretaker who sits outside started asking for a donation. I gave Rs 10 and said it is enough, on which he asked for donating Rs 50. This led to a scuffle, and he started thrashing me. He thrashed me so brutally that I lost my consciousness." While the name of the victim was not clearly mentioned in the article, the victim says he went to offer afternoon Namaz.

Udham Singh Nagar Police Uttarakhand also, through a Facebook post, confirmed that violence erupted between the members of the same community, and the video is falsely being shared with the angle of communal violence. According to the police, "We want to alert you that two parties between whom the scuffle happened on March 29, 2021, in Kalu Siddh Mazar Patrampur Jaspur, Udham Singh Nagar are Amjad Ali, son of Mohammed Hasam, resident of Chhipian Police Station, Jaspur, Udham Singh Nagar and Abdul Hameed son Gursher resident Bhogpur, Dam police station, Jaspur. The brawl happened on the matter of donation and construction. After listening to both the angles, FIR has been filed against them. Some people are falsely claiming on social media that Hindus were beaten mercilessly in Dargah, while the truth is that both sides were people of the Muslim community. Misleading and false rumours are being spread on social media by some individuals regarding the incident that are being marked by social media monitoring cell and necessary action is being taken."


अवगत कराना है कि दिनांक 29/03/2021 को कालू सिद्ध मजार पतरामपुर जसपुर उधम सिंह नगर में दो...

Posted by Udham Singh Nagar Police Uttarakhand on Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Hence, social media users are sharing the video with a false communal angle.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

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