Fact Check
Fact Check: Fake Letter From Delhi BJP Asking Supporters To Go Violent Against Protesting Farmers Goes Viral

Image Credit: Indian Express

Fact Check

Fact Check: Fake Letter From Delhi BJP Asking Supporters To Go Violent Against Protesting Farmers Goes Viral

Yusha Rahman
18 Jan 2021 1:12 PM GMT

A letter purportedly written by BJP Delhi to incite its workers for violence against protesting farmers is viral on social media. The Logical Indian Fact Check team investigates the claim.

Many social media users are sharing a letter, purportedly written by BJP Delhi asking BJP supporters to incite violence on January 26, 2021, against the farmers' tractor rally. The letter has gone viral on social media. The letter also claims that no person retaliating with violence against the protesting farmers will be arrested.

The Logical Indian received the letter for verification on its Whatsapp number +91 6364000343.


BJP Delhi has written a letter to its supporters asking them to create ruckus on January 26 against the farmers' tractor rally.

Fact Check:

The Logical Indian compared the viral letter with the letters posted on the official Twitter account of BJP Delhi. We observed that the format of the viral letter is different from the letters available on Twitter. The letterhead of BJP Delhi is in black and white format, while the letterhead of the viral letter is having stripes of Green and orange colour. Also, the viral letter has only one lotus symbol on the top left corner, which is different from the original letters that have two lotus symbols - one in the top left and the other in the top right corner of the letter.

Viral Letter

Original Letter

The original letters have hyperlinks to BJP Delhi's email id and their website, which is missing in the viral letter. The viral letter also does not have the number of social media in-charge, which is there in the original letter. On closely observing, we noticed the website mentioned on the viral letter is www.bjpdelhi.org unlike the original, which has http://delhi.bjp.org.

The link www.bjpdelhi.org led us to a fake website.

The Logical Indian contacted Navin Kumar, Media Chief of Delhi BJP, who confirmed that the letter is fake. According to Kumar, "The letter is issued in the name of Rajesh Bhatia who was the General Secretary of BJP Delhi 7 months ago." Kumar also told us that complaint has been filed with Delhi Police regarding the fake letter. Kumar also refuted the claim of 'BJP Delhi asking its supporters for instigating violence'. He also shared with us a letter written by BJP Delhi about the fake letter, in which Kumar has warned people against the fake rumours intending to provoke them.

Rajesh Bhatia, former General Secretary, tweeted clarifying that the viral letter issued by his name is fake and bogus. He also said that he respects farmers and condemns any act of violence. In his tweet, Bhatia also shared the photo of a complaint lodged by him in Delhi's Rajendra Nagar Police Station.

Thus, the viral letter issued claiming to be from BJP Delhi is fake.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

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