Fact Check
Fake Tweet Of Israel PM In Regard To Indias Fight Against Terrorism Viral

Image Credit: Wikipedia

Fact Check

Fake Tweet Of Israel PM In Regard To India's Fight Against Terrorism Viral

Yusha Rahman
20 May 2021 12:02 PM GMT

A tweet purportedly done by Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has gone viral. The Logical Indian Fact-Check team verifies the tweet.

A screenshot of a tweet purportedly done by Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, is widely shared on social media. The tweet is done in Hindi and read in English as "I am able to fight terrorism because our enemies are only on the other side of the border and not inside our nation.

Many social media users are sharing the image.

The image is also shared on Facebook.


Israel's PM Benjamin Netanyahu has tweeted that India's enemies are within the nation.

Fact Check:

The Logical Indian observed that the tweet was done by a Twitter handle @afjinser. On searching for the Twitter handle @afjinser, we found that the account was suspended.

The two Twitter accounts through which Benjamin Netanyahu communicate are @netanyahu and @IsraeliPM. None of these Twitter handles mentioned anything about the status of terrorism in India. Moreover, the viral tweet is in Hindi, while no tweets done by either of the official accounts are in Hindi.

Hence, the tweet is done by a fake ID, and Israel's PM Benjamin Netanyahu has done no such tweet.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

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