Fact Check
Video Of Protestors Blocking An Army Convoy In Bangladesh Shared With Claim That It Is Of West Bengal

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Fact Check

Video Of Protestors Blocking An Army Convoy In Bangladesh Shared With Claim That It Is Of West Bengal

Yusha Rahman
10 April 2021 12:26 PM GMT

Many social media users are sharing a video of Bangladesh with a claim that the viral video is of West Bengal, while many others are sharing it with a fake communal angle. The Logical Indian Fact-Check team debunked the claim.

A video of Muslims stopping an army convoy has gone viral with a claim that the video is from West Bengal. The video is being shared with a caption, "God save this biggest democracy in d world...Another scene from West Bengal....Is it democracy...".

Link to the post can be seen here.


The viral video of Muslims stopping an army convoy is from West Bengal.

Fact Check:

The Logical Indian Fact-Check team broke the video into keyframes and did a reverse image search. On reverse image search, we found that the same video was published on a Facebook page, 'The Bangladesh Defence Analyst'. The video was shared with a caption, "Islamic extremists in Bangladesh fail to stop Army ambulance Islamic extremists in Bangladesh blocked a road but could not stop a Bangladesh Army ambulance. Their response was confused and nervous as they never faced the Army before. #DEFSECA #BangladeshArmy #TerrorAlerts."

We also noticed that the number plate on the army vehicle is in Bangla, while in India, irrespective of the state, the number plates especially of army vehicles are in English.

The Logical Indian contacted a Bangladeshi reporter, who shared with us a link of a Facebook page of a politician Moshiur Rahman. The location tagged with the video said that it is from Nabiganj, Bangladesh. The video is shared with the caption, "Hefazat workers detained the vehicle as the strike was carried out by the army and liars." Nabiganj is an Upazila of Habiganj District in the Division of Sylhet, Bangladesh.

Link to the post.

The live video of the same incident was updated by a Facebook page HM AL Amin, and it mentioned the location as Ichapur, Hathazari.

At around 4:33 timestamp of the original video, Al Hera Tahfizul Quran Islamic Academy is written on a board in the background. A Facebook page of Al Hera Tahfizul Quran Islamic Academy showed that the academy is located on Rangamati Road, Hathazari, Chittagong.

We searched with the keyword "hathazari road block" and found a story published by Prothom Alo on March 27, 2021. According to the website, 'Vehicular movements on Hathazari-Khagrachhari road still remain suspended as of Saturday morning after a clash between the students of Hathazari madrasa and police in Chattogram's Hathazari over the visit of Indian prime minister Narendra Modi.'

Another media organization Daily Star reported that the students of the Hathazari Madarsa constructed a wall to block the Chattogram-Khagrachhari highway, after a violent clash erupted between Hefajat-e-Islam activists and police in Hathazari Upazila on March 26, leading to the death of four.

The Bangladeshi journalist also confirmed that the video was of Hathazari, Bangladesh, where people were protesting against Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Bangladesh in the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Bangladesh Liberation.

Hence, the video is from Bangladesh and not West Bengal.

The video is also being shared with the caption that says Muslims were stopping an ambulance of army convoy from taking an injured Hindu to the hospital.

The local reporter refuted any communal angle to the story. According to him, "Army was trying to go through the road blockade done by students in Hathazari. The army requested the students to clear the road as they told there's a patient inside the ambulance, but the students said, "no, he's not sick inside. We saw him ok a while before in the checkpoint". On asking about the patients' religion, he said that while he does not know the patient's religion, he was army personnel."

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

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