Fact Check
Did This ASI Fake His Injury During Jodhpur Violence? No, Video Viral With False Claim

Image Credit: Twitter

Fact Check

Did This ASI Fake His Injury During Jodhpur Violence? No, Video Viral With False Claim

Jakir Hassan
9 May 2022 10:53 AM GMT

It is being claimed that the policeman whose photo appeared on newspapers faked his wound and is pretending to be hit on the head during the violence in Jodhpur. The Logical Indian Fact Check team verified the viral claim.

Recently, violence erupted in Jodhpur just before the Eid celebrations. Incidents of Stones pelting were reported in several areas of Jodhpur on May 3, 2022. Later, Police brought the situation under control. The internet connection was terminated following the violence. The Chief Minister of Rajasthan, Ashok Gehlot, stated that instructions have been issued to the administration to maintain peace and order.

Meanwhile, a video of a policeman wearing a handkerchief during a riot prone situation is going viral on social media. In this viral video, a cop can be seen tying a blood-stained handkerchief on his forehead. While sharing this video, people on social media claimed that the policeman during the communal violence in Jodhpur faked his wound and is pretending to be hit on the head with stones.

A Twitter user shared this video with a Hindi caption which reads, "जिस पुलिस वाले के लगी उसको गौर से देखना अखबार में फ़ोटो आया. अब देखो इस पुलिस वाले की ओरिजिनल असलियत क्या है."

[English Translation: Watch the policeman who got hurt. His photo came in the newspaper. Now see what is the reality of this policeman.]

Another user wrote, "जोधपुर जिस पुलिस वाले के लगी उसको गौर से देखना अखबार में फ़ोटो आया में गुर्प के माध्यम से राजस्थान सरकार के मुख्यमंत्री व कैबिनेट मंत्रीयो व विधायकों को अवगत कराना चाहता हूँ की किस तरह पुलिस-प्रशासन मुसलमानों को बदनाम कर रही है और किस तरह से मुसलमानों पर जुल्म ढाया जा रहा है."

[English Translation: Watch carefully the Jodhpur policeman who got hurt. His photo also came in the newspaper. Through this group, I want to inform the Chief Minister and Cabinet Ministers and MLAs of the Rajasthan Government about how the police administration is defaming Muslims and how Muslims are being oppressed."]

A Facebook user wrote, "Congress शासित प्रदेश Rajasthan के जोधपुर दंगे में जिस पुलिस वाले को चोट लगी है, उसकी असलियत वीडियो में कैद हो गई, सारे दंगे प्लानिंग से हो रहे हैं। अब सवाल ये पैदा होता है की क्या इसकी जांच हो पाएगी? क्या इस पर झूठ फैलाने के जुर्म में सख्त कार्रवाई होगी? #Eidulfitr2022 #Jodhpur #Congress."

[English Translation: The reality of the policeman who got hurt in the Jodhpur riots of Congress-ruled Rajasthan was captured in the video. All the riots happened with planning. Now the question arises will it be investigated? Will there be strict action for spreading lies on this? #Eidulfitr2022 #Jodhpur #Congress]

It is being widely shared on Facebook and Twitter with a similar claim.

Image Credit: Facebook


Policeman in the viral video faked his head injury.

Fact Check:

The Logical Indian Fact Check team verified the viral claim and found it to be false. Jodhpur police tweeted on the matter and called the viral claim false.

During the initial investigation, we found a report of ETV Bharat dated 06 May 2022 in which a screengrab of the viral video can be seen. According to the report, the policeman was identified as SI Dhannaram. He suffered a head injury during the violence that took place in Jodhpur. An FIR has also been lodged against unknown people in Sardarpura police station in Jodhpur.

Image Credit: ETV Bharat

In further investigation, we started scanning the Twitter handle of Jodhpur Police. During this, we found a tweet by Jodhpur Police on 6 May 2022 regarding this incident. In the tweet, Jodhpur Police has confirmed the head injury of ASI Dhannaram and appealed to avoid fake news viral on social media. According to the tweet, after the incident, the medical examinations of the injured ASI Dhannaram was also done and an FIR has also been registered in the police station Sardarpura. In this tweet, one can clearly see the wound on Dhannaram's forehead.

The caption of the tweet reads in Hindi, "#Jodhpur ASI श्री धन्नाराम की जालोरी गेट घटना में लगी चोट के संबंध में भ्रामक खबरों की सच्चाई...घटना में लगी थी ASI के सिर में चोट जिससे हाथ और रुमाल पर लगा था खून...घटना के बाद चोटिल ASI का कराया गया था मेडिकल व थाना सरदारपुरा मे दर्ज की गई F.I.R. #AvoidFakeNews."

[English Translation: The truth of the misleading news regarding #Jodhpur ASI Shri Dhannaram's injury in the Jalori Gate incident... ASI's head injury in the incident caused blood on hand and handkerchief... ASI was injured after the incident. The FIR was registered in the police station Sardarpura and medical has be done... #AvoidFakeNews.]

The Quint contacted DhannaRam regarding the viral video. While talking to The Quint, he said that while he was on duty, he was hit by stones on his head which tore his cap. The handkerchief was bloodied because he first cleaned up the wound on his head and then the wound on his left hand and then he tied the handkerchief around his head. He also said that the neighbours around the area later helped him with his injury.

It is evident from the tweet of the Jodhpur police and the statement given by Dhannaram that the viral claim is false. He was actually hit by a stone on his forehead during the violence that erupted in Jodhpur during eid. Hence, the viral claim is false.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

Also Read: Was National Flag Replaced By Islamic Flag At Jalori Gate, Jodhpur? No, Viral Claim Is Misleading!

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