Fact Check
APJ Abdul Kalam Did Not Make Any Statement About Banning Madrasas In India

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Fact Check

APJ Abdul Kalam Did Not Make Any Statement About Banning Madrasas In India

Jakir Hassan
12 Sep 2021 11:11 AM GMT

A newspaper clip with offensive comments on Quran and madrasas attributing to Former President APJ Abdul Kalam is viral on social media.

A newspaper cutting is going viral on social media, in which the photo of former President of India APJ Abdul Kalam can be seen. In the viral newspaper cutting, it is being claimed that former President APJ Abdul Kalam said, "Muslims are not born terrorists, but they are trained in madrasas, and it is imperative to ban all madrasas in India."

In the newspaper clip, it is written in Hindi, "मुसलमान पैदाईशी आतंकवादी नहीं होते. उन्हें मदरसों में कुरान पढाई जाती है, जिसके अनुसार वे हिन्दू, बौद्ध, सिख, इसाई, यहूदी और अन्य गैर-मुसलमानों को चुन चुनकर मारते हैं. आतंकवाद पर नियंत्रण के लिए भारत में चल रहे हज़ारों मदरसों पर प्रतिबन्ध लगाना बेहद ज़रूरी है."

[English Translation: Muslims are not born terrorists. They are taught the Quran in madrasas, according to which they selectively kill Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Christians, Jews and other non-Muslims. To control terrorism, it is imperative to ban thousands of madrasas running in India.]

It is being widely shared on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.


Former President APJ Abdul Kalam wanted to ban thousands of madrasas running in India.

Fact Check:

The Logical Indian Fact Check team verified the claim and found it to be false.

We first started searching for the viral newspaper clip on google using different keywords of the viral post. However, we did not find any such statement on the internet. If APJ Abdul Kalam had made any such controversial statement, it would have been in the news. We also tried to find this statement of Abdul Kalam on different credible news platforms, but we could not find any news report on it.

However, we did find a Blogpost dated 14 December 2014 in which the text to the viral clip was mentioned and credited viral quote to APJ Abdul Kalam. Its title was 'Computer and Quran'. It was written in the name of LR Gandhi.

Image Credit: Gandhilr.blogspot
Image Credit: Gandhilr.blogspot

Fact Check website Alt News spoke to A.P.J.M.J Sheik Saleem to know the reality of this viral claim. Sheik Saleem is the nephew of Abdul Kalam and currently working as Managing Trustee of Abdul Kalam International Foundation (AKIF). He told alt news that APJ Abdul Kalam did not make any such statement. He never made any comment related to any religion.

We found in our investigation that there is no public record or the source of the said statement by APJ Abdul Kalam. This is a fake statement, which is being shared in the newspaper form to make it look more authentic.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

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