Meet The Army Officer Who Visits Schools & Colleges To Motivate Youngsters To Join Defence Forces

Meet The Army Officer Who Visits Schools & Colleges To Motivate Youngsters To Join Defence Forces

Shraddha Goled
4 Feb 2019 12:44 PM GMT

The Indian Army is one of the most respected and trusted institutions in the country. Indian defence forces are said to be among the best in the world. Sacrifice, valour and a sense of brotherhood are what Army is known for.

The values for which the Indian Army stands for is worth emulating for every person. With the same thought, distinguished officer of the Indian Army, Lt Col Sandeep Ahlawat is visiting several schools and colleges. His aim is not only to inspire students to join the forces but also to learn the values of secularism, brotherhood and unity from the Army.

“Student outreach campaign”

The Indian Army strictly follows its motive of “Service Before Self”. It lives by the rule that country and its countrymen’s safety, well being and prosperity is of the highest priority. As Lt Col Sandeep Ahlawat rightly puts up that even though independence was achieved in 1947, till date there are people out there, working round the clock to maintain this freedom. Hence, it is important for all of us to understand that we need to realise that this freedom is not for free and strive towards becoming the best versions of ourselves.

In order to spread this thought to the masses, Lt Col Ahlawat has till now visited 30 educational institutions, including more popular ones including IIT Delhi, Delhi Public Schools and various government schools and universities. Around 30,000 students have been addressed by Lt Col Ahlawat. “I understand that everyone has different aspirations and ambitions. Not everyone might want to join the Army and might want to choose other career paths. But I do tell them to pick up the values of a soldier.”

Lt Col Ahlawat also says, “Secularism and camaraderie are etched deep in the psyche of a soldier. In fact, you will not find temples, mosques or churches in the Army, instead of

them, there is ‘Sarv Dharm Sthal’ where we pray to help us discharge our duties with honesty. Additionally, in the Army, our motto is nation first, followed by my troops and at the end comes the individual. ”

About Lt Col Sandeep Ahlawat

Lt Col Sandeep Ahlawat is of the strong belief that the Army owes its allegiance only to the Constitution. He feels that Army personnel like him strive hard to uphold the core values for which the Constitution stands for.

Lt Col Sandeep Ahlawat is the same Army personnel who objected strongly to Hindi film actor Akshay Kumar’s decision to auction off the Navy uniform used in his movie “Rustom”. “Uniform is earned with your blood, toil and sweat which is placed on the mortal remains of soldiers along with the tricolour”, he said in an open letter. Post this, much storm was created with the actor and the makers finally called off the decision to auction it. He also uses social media to bring forth stories of valour, emotion and sacrifice of various soldiers, whose martyrdom is something which the country should know of.

The Logical Indian appreciates Lt Col Ahlawat for inspiring the young guns of the nation, not only to join the Army but also in character building.

Also Read: This Colonel Helped Rehabilitate Uttarakhand After The 2013 Floods & Trained Over 2000 Youngsters To Join The Army

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