Indian Army Hands Back Pakistani Boy Who Crossed LoC by Mistake With Sweets & Clothes!

Indian Army Hands Back Pakistani Boy Who Crossed LoC by Mistake With Sweets & Clothes!

The Logical Indian
6 July 2015 2:23 PM GMT

Image: StoryShouter

The Indian Army has handed over an 11-year-old Pakistani boy who crossed the Line of Control (LOC).
His Name is Sameer Kayani, a resident of Laswa, Athmuqam and was intercepted by army personnel after he crossed the LOC by accident on Thursday, they said.

The Army sent an urgent message to Pakistan for a flag meeting in an attempt to reunite the boy with his family as soon as possible.“The flag meeting was held at the Teetwal Crossing Point and the boy was handed over to representatives of Pakistan Army by the unit based at Tanghdar frontier area,” the officials said.

The Army also gave new clothes and sweets for Sameer and his family too, they said.
“A salute to the brave hearts!”

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