World Animal Day 2021: All You Need To Know About It

Image Credits: Hindustan Times


World Animal Day 2021: All You Need To Know About It

Nida Fatima
4 Oct 2021 1:19 PM GMT

October 4 is celebrated as World Animal Day every year. This day is the feast day of Francis of Assisi, who was regarded as the patron saint of animals.

October 4 is celebrated as World Animal Day every year. This day is the feast day of Francis of Assisi, who was regarded as the patron saint of animals. Since 1925, the day received special recognition when cynologist Heinrich Zimmermann addressed the plight of animals. He pioneered a campaign for protecting wild animals. On March 24, 1925, he had organized an event at the Sports Palace in Berlin.

Many people participated in the event. In 1931, World Animal Day became global during a world protection organization conference in Florence, Italy. In 2002, the Finnish Association of Animal Protection Associations celebrated the day and even involved school children in its events, reported National Today.

Purpose Behind Celebration

Popularly known as 'Animal Lovers Day,' it aims to create awareness and spread insights about how animals get affected by the environment or human action. Several organizations work for the exact cause, but we should understand our responsibility towards animals as individuals. The ultimate aim is to raise the status of animals and help improve welfare standards across the globe. It is also about uniting the animal welfare movement and mobilizing it into a global force to make the world a better place for all animals.

The website of World Animal's Day says that the mode of celebration varies from country to country. But the intention is common irrespective of nationality, political ideology, religion, or faith. Recognition and awareness are exceptionally crucial to spread empathy and love towards such animals. The increased habitat loss, man-animal conflict, and vulnerability make the situation grim where the significance of this day multiplies. Obviously, instead of going through the names of extinct or threatened animals, we will prefer to take a step ahead and create harmony for the sustenance of both humans and animals.

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