This Independence Day, #BeEnergyIndependent With The Power Of Solar

This Independence Day, #BeEnergyIndependent With The Power Of Solar

Apurwa Shrivastava
15 Aug 2020 5:46 AM GMT

Luminous with its decade long endeavour strives to cut down the energy dependency of this country on import fuels.

A long term environmental solution requires potential action that can create a long-lasting impact. Therefore, it becomes imperative to not just meet the energy needs of people but to also do so in a way that is sustainable and self-generated. As a country, India has been adequately dependent on import fuels for energy despite being blessed with a vast expanse of solar exposure. 74 years of independence calls for reimagining India that is not dependent on energy. With self-reliance as its core motto, Luminous with its decade long endeavour strives to cut down the energy dependency of this country on import fuels.

India is a vast nation. Renewable resources, in these cases, become one of the most efficient answers to avert the many eco-economic challenges at hand. Using solar energy is one of the best ways for a country to grow along the lines of holistic development. A dense and robust energy authority of one's own enables an added pride in people to be able to call themselves citizens of a self-powered Nation.

With a population of 138 crores and the energy requirement of 1,137.00 billion Kwh, India needs its people to take collective action in making the dream of self-reliance come true. A radical change can take place when citizens come together as equal participants. A country can change for good when every individual shares equal responsibility. Through an impactful message by Indian cricketer Sachin Tendulkar, this Independence Day, Luminous encourages people to join hands to make the country energy independent.

India's energy Independence and solar movements can be seen as nothing less than a revolution of its own. The Nation can be replenished with the power of solar energy to further industrial growth and economic progress. As a result, it not just decentralises the power, making it cost-effective, but also enables uninterrupted access to energy at the grassroots.

This Independence Day, one has the chance to give the nation solar power for a self-ignited future. It is one of the easily available power generation methods with minimum maintenance. A citizen-driven initiative that can change the face of the country, resolving many impending issues interrupting development, can open up possibilities in multiple dimensions. We, at The Logical Indian, appreciate Luminous for taking this initiative to create awareness around the many economical and financially viable advantages of solar energy. Become a part of making history and pledge to #BeEnergyIndependent.

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