India Ranks 8th In Climate Change Performance Index, On Track To Meet Emissions As Per Paris Agreement

Image Credits: CCPI, Pexels (Representational)


India Ranks 8th In Climate Change Performance Index, On Track To Meet Emissions As Per Paris Agreement

Jayali Wavhal
16 Nov 2022 8:38 AM GMT

Though 63 countries were evaluated for the CCPI index, no country won any of the first three places. The CCPI report states that "no country performed well enough in all index categories to achieve an overall very high rating".

Climbing two spots on the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) 2023, India has bagged the eighth position out of the 63 countries that were assessed. India recorded low emissions and an increase in the use of renewable energy, thus on its track to meet the 2030 emission targets.

The CCPI evaluates 59 countries and the European Union that contribute to the generation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Rankings for the CCPI are decided as per a standardised criterion, with 14 indicators across four primary categories: Renewable Energy, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Climate Policy, and Energy Use.

India's Performance Assessment

In 2020, India was ranked ninth on the CCPI list and stood at the tenth position in 2021 and 2022. However, with evident efforts towards the 2030 targets under the Paris Agreement – reducing emissions by 45 per cent to keep global warming to 1.5-degree celsius – the country has now bagged the eighth position.

India was ranked ninth in the GHG emissions category, ninth in the Energy Use category, eighth in the Climate Policy category and 24th in the Renewable Energy category, as per a report by Business Standard. The country has scored 67.35 points on the index.

"The country is on track to meet its 2030 emissions targets, but the renewable energy pathway was not on track", says the index report released by Germanwatch, New Climate Institute & Climate Action Network. The report added that India must adopt a carbon pricing mechanism and develop more capacities at the subnational level to improve its performance.

No Winners For The First Three Places

Though 63 countries were evaluated for the CCPI index, no country won any of the first three places. The CCPI report states that "no country performed well enough in all index categories to achieve an overall very high rating".

Denmark was ranked fourth, while Sweden and Chile were ranked fifth and sixth, respectively. Regarding the world's current biggest polluter, China, the report said that the country's massive plans for new coal-fired power plants pushed China 13 positions below. The country is ranked at the 51st position, whereas it was at the 38th position in 2022.

Also Read: Dedicated To Greener Tomorrow! India's Greenhouse Gas Emissions Far Below World Average, Says UNEP Report

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