Lowering Carbon Emissions: EC Permits France To Restrict Short-Haul Aircraft, Reduce Private Jets

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Lowering Carbon Emissions: EC Permits France To Restrict Short-Haul Aircraft, Reduce Private Jets

Deepthi Rao
10 Dec 2022 6:20 AM GMT

France's proposal to prohibit some short-haul flights on routes where passengers may ride the railway received official approval from the European Commission. This is an attempt to decrease carbon emissions by 40% by 2030.

The European Commission (EC) permitted France to restrict ultra-polluting short-haul aircraft within its borders. The French government also intends to reduce private jets to lower carbon emissions.

The modifications, which are a part of the 2021 Climate Law of the nation, were initially suggested by the Citizens' Convention on Climate of France, a citizens' assembly tasked to come up with strategies to lower the carbon emissions in the country.

Environment Over Airflight Convenience

The move comes after the French Airports and Airports Council International Union raised a challenge against the proposal when it was first announced in 2021. The EC has now lowered France's initial suggestion to ban eight short-haul flights.

The action will end flights between locations that can be reached by train in under 2.5 hours. As a result, it was decided to stop three frequently used departures from Paris-Orly Airport, as reported by Forbes.

Only three of the eight planned flying routes were approved by the EC, despite having practical rail alternatives that could be reached in less than 2.5 hours through direct train options throughout the day. These include journeys via Paris-Orly to and from Bordeaux, Nantes, and Lyon. They were rejected because there are presently no practical choices for travelling early or very late by train to airports in Paris and Lyon.

First Eco-Friendly Move

The French government wants to dramatically cut the number of private planes allowed to fly within the nation to cut emissions and address the growing anger against the ultra-rich. France has the highest number of private jets in Europe, with the country's ultra-rich taking frequent trips from Paris to the French Riviera.

According to European Federation for Transport and Environment research, private planes are associated with up to 14 times more pollution compared to commercial flights per passenger mile and up to 50 times more polluting than railroads.

Clément Beaune, the minister of transport, declared France could no longer stand by as the super-rich fly about on private jets while the general population sacrifices to combat the energy crisis and climate change. These short-haul flight bans will contribute to curbing carbon emissions. Adopting similar policies and laws from other European nations would help the European Union achieve its Fit for 55 goals, where the EU plans for a green transition by reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 55 per cent or more by 2030.

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