Teen  Honoured With Global Recognition For Environment-Related Project

Image Credit: Jagran Josh 


Teen Honoured With Global Recognition For Environment-Related Project

Nida Fatima
14 Sep 2021 12:13 PM GMT

Ayaan Shankta, a 12-year-old environmental activist from Mumbai, has been named as a 2021 International Young Eco-Hero in recognition of his efforts to solve environmental problems. He won the third prize in the climate change activist category for his project "Conservation and Rehabilitation of Powai Lake" in Mumbai.

A 12-year-old environmental activist from Mumbai has been named as a 2021 International Young Eco-Hero in recognition of his efforts to solve environmental problems. Ayaan Shankta, won the third prize in the climate change activist category for his project "Conservation and Rehabilitation of Powai Lake" in Mumbai.

The Action for Nature, an NGO, based in San Francisco, hands out the awards annually to youngsters (8-16 age group) from across the globe for taking action to improve the environment. Ayaan, a Class VII student, is one among 25 children honoured for their environmental achievements this year.

Ayaan's father, Puneet Shankta, who is a commercial pilot and former navy officer, said that his family is thrilled and delighted with their son's performance."As parents, we provided him the support and encouragement he needed; rest it's his hard work and dedication," he said.

"I am very happy, it was such a surprise for me when I won the prize, I did not expect at all to win a prize at this level," said Ayaan. A few months ago, he won a gold medal at the Homi Bhabha Balvaidnyanik competition for his research and report on the conservation and rehabilitation of Powai Lake. The medal and International recognition encouraged him to keep going.

Around two years ago, he took note of the deteriorating condition of the lake. "My parents would often take me to the lake. Initially, it was clean and beautiful. Gradually, it started deteriorating. I felt I needed to do something about it and got down and did my research for six months and then wrote an action report on how to save the lake," added Ayaan. This report and the several other initiatives he took in association with other NGOs working towards the same goal made him one of the only 25 global winners of the Young Eco-Hero Award.
Ayaan said he has plans to make a documentary on the lake and start an NGO for making the environment better. The youngster's effort to clean up the lake, conserve its environment and increase pollution awareness is indeed. commendable.
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