Jadavpur University Tops State Rankings For Most Quality Research Works: Nature Index Rankings

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West Bengal

Jadavpur University Tops State Rankings For Most Quality Research Works: Nature Index Rankings

Mrinalini Kaushik
11 May 2022 10:40 AM GMT

Jadavpur topped the 2022 Nature Index Rankings of India based on two core values, the count of research articles and the share value of authors' publications.

Jadavpur University (JU) in Kolkata, ranked first by the Nature Index 2022 across Indian state universities, declared a statement issued by the university on Tuesday, May 10.

All the institutions are graded based on ''count'', which is the number of research articles by authors. The second criterion is the ''share'' denoting the percentage of authors hailing from an institution per research article published, as reported by The Print.

Higher share value symbolises a more fractional contribution by an institution in the research publications, the statement read.

Nature Index: Based On Scientific Research

The Nature Index is the research section of the science journal Nature. Every year, it ranks all institutions according to the number of scientific articles and papers published in leading journals by respective universities.

According to the statement, this year's rankings are based on research articles from December 2020 to November 30, 2021, as reported by NDTV.

The two panels that selected the journals from various institutions included nearly 60 scientists.

Research Temperament At Jadavpur

Vice-Chancellor at JU, Professor Suranjan Das, stated that the recent rank obtained by the university indicates the exceptional quality and emphasis on scientific research encouraged by the faculty towards researchers.

He further told PTI that this rank becomes even more significant as JU is a government-funded university. This recognition can help them get more financial grants for improving the research wing.

Professor Das said, "The ranking is noteworthy as the pandemic disrupted academic activities, but JU fought the odds with the involvement of faculty and students," quoted the publication.

Performance At Other Levels

JU is listed fourth among all the universities in the Nature Index category and first among only state universities. Delhi University, the University of Hyderabad, and Banaras Hindu University are ranked above JU among all Indian universities.

In Earth and Environmental Science, JU takes the 11th spot among all higher education and research institutes in India. Considering all fields, JU is ranked 24th in terms of publications among all the higher education and research institutions across the country.

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