CBSE Edits Course Content, Drops Chapters On Democracy And Diversity

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CBSE Edits Course Content, Drops Chapters On 'Democracy And Diversity'

Ratika Rana
24 April 2022 5:43 AM GMT

Officials from CBSE maintained that the recent changes in the curriculum were a part of the rationalisation of the syllabus and were aligned with the suggestions from the NCERT.

The Central Board for Secondary Education (CBSE) has removed several chapters from the history and political science syllabi for Classes 11 and 12. Chapters based on diversity and democracy, the Non-Aligned Movement, the Cold War Era and the rise of many Islamic Empires in the Afro-Asian geographies have been edited.

Similarly, for class 10, the central education board has dropped the section on the impact of globalisation on agriculture from the Food Security chapter. The officials from CBSE maintained that the mission of several chapters was in line with the recommendations from NCERT.

Chapters Regarding The Rise Of Islamic Empires Omitted

The translated excerpts from two poems in Urdu by Faiz Ahmed Faiz in the 'Religion, Communalism and Politics — Communalism, Secular State' section have also been excluded this year, NDTV reported. The chapter regarding 'Central Islamic Lands' talks about the rise of many Islamic empires in the Afro-Asian region and its impact on the economy and society.

The revised syllabus shared with the schools for 2022-23 also hinted at the board's decision to resume the single-board exam in a session from a two-term examination last year. The Central Board had announced the two-term exams as a special measure because of the pandemic.

However, it is not the first time that the education board has decided to drop learning material which has been a part of the curriculum for years. Previously, it had sought to drop off chapters on federalism, citizenship, nationalism, and secularism in class 11 political science textbook will not be considered while assessing students, triggering a significant controversy.

However, the decision to drop critical chapters hinting at India's democratic and diverse values comes at a time when several communal tensions are going on in different parts of the country.

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