Camp Inspire: IIT Gandhinagars Curiosity Lab To Help School Students Find Right Career, Follow Passion

Image Credit- Unsplash (Representational), Curiosity Lab- IITGN


Camp Inspire: IIT Gandhinagar's Curiosity Lab To Help School Students Find Right Career, Follow Passion

Shiva Chaudhary
24 May 2022 11:24 AM GMT

Through the camp, the institute will make the registered students interact with "some incredible individuals who took unique paths and chose to follow their passions despite obstacles."

While growing up, kids are often confused in selecting the right career for themselves and end up following the mainstream options such as a doctor, engineer or charted accountant.

To overcome this issue, the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Gandhinagar has planned to host an online camp, 'Camp Inspire 2022', for school students in classes 8 to 12 to guide them in finding the right career for themselves and enlightening them on how they can follow their passion. The camp will be attended by the teachers and parents of the children.

About The Camp

The camp will be conducted from June 3 to June 5 this year, and the interested candidates can register themselves using the link given on the Curiosity Lab website.

As a part of this camp, the institute's Curiosity Lab will hold scientific research to comprehend how to enhance curiosity among students while learning. It seeks to "introduce students to the stories of people who have taken up new and exciting professions and succeeded."

Through the camp, the institute will make the registered students interact with "some incredible individuals who took unique paths and chose to follow their passions despite obstacles."

"Novel Perspectives In Learning"

Highlighting the unique aspects of Camp Inspire, Professor Jaison A Manjaly, Principal Investigator, Curiosity Lab, at the institute, said, "Curiosity Camps offer an opportunity for students, teachers, and parents to witness stories of inspiring individuals that may encourage them to follow their passions and make a positive change in society," quoted ANI.

Further, "The Curiosity Camps aim to introduce novel perspectives in learning while building awareness of the multiple career paths that exist and are supported by institutions such as the IITs," he added.

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