Tamil Nadu: 80 Tribal Students In Thanjavur Quit School After Facing Harassment From Classmates

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Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu: 80 Tribal Students In Thanjavur Quit School After Facing Harassment From Classmates

Ronit Kumar Singh
2 Jan 2023 6:41 AM GMT

As many as 80 tribal students from the Thanjavur district in Tamil Nadu have stopped attending their educational institutions as their classmates allegedly harassed them. The students were mocked due to their vocabulary and mannerisms.

In the Thanjavur district of Tamil Nadu, as many as 80 tribal students have quit attending school after being mocked, insulted, and allegedly harassed by their classmates. All the students belonged to the Narikkurava community and have faced similar challenges in the past.

According to officials in the district's education department, the students were insulted and mocked regularly by their classmates in the school for incorrect or peculiar vocabulary and mannerisms. It continued for a long time, and as a result, the students opted to step outside the school.

As Many As 1,700 Students Quit School

The district officials highlighted that 80 students were identified after a survey was carried out in the district with the support of police, Anganwadi workers, block resource teachers, and the Integrated School Education Department, Free Press Journal reported.

In the survey report meant to identify dropout students in the district, the team of researchers found that as many as 1,700 students had quit going to school in the previous academic year, out of which 80 students from the Narikkurava community were identified who mentioned about alleged harassment as a reason for them to quit education.

Challenges Faced By Students

The researchers identified students from the Meal Uloor Village in the Narikkuruva settlement and studied in a government school's primary section. Facing harassment was not the only challenge for those 80 students as they had to travel through forest areas, cross water lakes, and brave animals in the forest to reach the school.

They were forced to attend school far away from home as no educational institutes were operational near their habitat. After the survey reports have been under the spotlight, the district authorities assured the villagers of a school near their area.

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