73% Young Indians Believe Education Quality In The Country Has Improved: UNICEF Survey

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73% Young Indians Believe Education Quality In The Country Has Improved: UNICEF Survey

Tashafi Nazir
22 Nov 2021 6:51 AM GMT

UNICEF and Gallup conducted the survey under 'The Changing Childhood Project', across 21 countries, including India, and released ahead of World Children’s Day on November 20.

Nearly 73 per cent of young Indians believe that the quality of education in the country has become much better now than it was in the past, according to an international survey.

The Changing Childhood Project survey was conducted across 21 countries, including India, by UNICEF and Gallup and released ahead of World Children's Day on November 20. It stated that 57 per cent of surveyed people between 15-24 years and 45 per cent of people above 40 years in India feel that education is the most significant determinant of success, The Indian Express reported.

There are different perceptions among males and females when it comes to education. "About 78 per cent of women respondents over 40 years from India feel that education for kids nowadays is better than it was for their parents, compared to 72 per cent of older men," the survey revealed.

At 59 per cent, girls between 15 and 24 years are more convinced than others that education plays a significant role in success. In addition, 67 per cent of girls feel that digitisation has helped kids in education, compared to 59 per cent of boys," the report said.

Perception Differences Among Young And Older Generation

The survey findings from India also show some perception differences between younger and older respondents — 71 per cent of older people opine that kids will be economically better off than their parents, compared to 66 per cent for younger students.

As per the report, 57 per cent of young people in the country have daily internet access compared to 27 per cent of older people — the fourth largest generation gap among 21 countries.

The report also found that 55 per cent of the younger generation in India are aware of climate change compared to 42 per cent older persons — the most extensive overall gap across 21 nations. The younger people are more likely to blame companies for such a change.

The Indian respondents have the second biggest generational difference in saying it is acceptable for parents to punish a child physically.

Shockingly, India also has the second-highest number of young generation who believe it is normal for teachers to physically punish their students, a practice which should be unacceptable.

Despite the differences, respondents from both generations agree on certain issues. India is the only place where the majority of both young and older people believe their country would be safer if it worked more independently.

India also has very few young and older people who identify with being part of the world. In fact, at 17 per cent, the country had the second-lowest per cent of the young generation among 21 nations who feel they identify most with being a part of the world, the report stated.

Improvement In Quality Of Education

It added that around 73 per cent of young Indians between 15-24 years believe that the quality of education has become better over a period of time.

The survey involved more than 21,000 individuals aged 15 to 24 years and 40 years and above in 21 countries, including India earlier this year. The 1500 respondents across the country were surveyed before the second wave of COVID-19.

"In India, where an immense number of the world's young generation live, it is heartwarming to see the optimism and value of education," said Yasumasa Kimura, UNICEF India Representative (interim).

"Clearly women and girls see more excellent value in education, given the massive progress that India has made towards girls' education over the last few decades.

"This progress is now at stake due to the COVID-19 pandemic and closure of educational institutions, especially for girls who have less access to technology and are likely to be burdened with household chores and child marriage. To prevent any reversals in achievements in their education, we must invest in education and get kids safely back to schools," he added.

Young Indians Optimistic About Future

The survey also found that young Indians are optimistic about their future regarding physical safety and economic progress.

"For instance, 64 per cent of young people aged between 15-24 in India are likely to believe that the world is becoming a better place. This was higher than the average across 21 nations, which was 57 per cent. Moreover, 70 per cent of young people from the country believe that physical safety has become better than the past generation," the report said.

As per the survey, 65 per cent of young respondents from India believe that it is essential for politicians to listen to kids' voices.

On World Children's Day, kids from across India presented a charter of their demands for the safe reopening of educational institutions and learning recovery in a session with Indian Members of Parliament.

This is part of week-long Child Rights Week observed by UNICEF and partners from National Children's Day on 14 to World Children's Day on November 20 to raise awareness for millions of kids who have missed out on their right to education and to call for urgent support to learning recovery.

Also Read: School-Going Children Availing Tuitions Rose By 40%: ASER Report

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