All India Federation For Social Justice To Be Represented By Leaders Of Depressed Classes From All States

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Tamil Nadu

All India Federation For Social Justice To Be Represented By Leaders Of Depressed Classes From All States

Anwesha Singh
27 Jan 2022 8:01 AM GMT

All India Federation for Social Justice is an initiative by CM of Tamil Nadu MK Stalin. It would comprise the leaders belonging to the oppressed sections of the society and will strive to achieve the principles of federalism and social justice at a national level.

With the aim of inclusive growth for everyone, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister, MK Stalin, has announced that he will soon launch an All India Social Justice Federation, which would comprise the leaders and representatives of all oppressed sections of the society.

He addressed a national webinar on AICCF, SRA, PAGAAM, BAMSEF, We The People, LEAD INDIA, entitled "Leading the Struggle for Social Justice and the Integrated National Program".

MK Stalin took to Twitter and gave the information of initiating an All India Social Justice Federation.

What Did MK Stalin Say?

"The path towards social justice was not made in a day, but painstakingly laid over the decades, stone by stone, with sweat and blood of various trendsetters like Dr Natesanar, Dr TM Nair, Sir P Theagarayar, AT Paneerselvam, Panagal Arasar", said MK Stalin.

He also said that the concept and need for social justice are similar, and the initiative will be aiming for inclusive growth for everyone. He hailed the Dravidian movement and said that social justice is the most important gift given by the movement and called feminism and social justice its principal ideals. Complimenting the initiative, he said, "We are about to embark on the task of incorporating this great policy not only in Tamil Nadu but in the whole of India."

Who Attended The Webinar?

The webinar was attended by notable persons such as Chhagan Bhujbal, Minister of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection in Maharashtra; Tejashwi Yadav, former Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar and leader of RJD (opposition party in Bihar); Derek O'Brien, MP in the Rajya Sabha from West Bengal and a member of All India Trinamool Congress; Krishnaswamy Veeramani, Indian politician; Justice Virendra Singh Yadav, a former judge in Allahabad High Court among others.

Dravidian Movement

Dravidian Movement or the Self-Respect Movement was initiated in 1925 by Periyar Erode Venkatappa Ramasamy. He organised a parallel conference of Non-Brahmins in Kancheepuram. In the discussion, he announced that the difference between the Dravidians and the Aryans (Brahmins) had always been existing, and its prevalence in the Congress party cannot be denied.

Therefore, he stressed the need of preserving the "self-respect" of the Dravidian's race, language, and culture, which had been degraded by the dominance of upper castes (Brahmins), the caste system, and superstition of the Hindu religion.

The Republic World reported the movement was based on three ideologies- breaking down of Brahmin supremacy, the revival of 'Dravidian languages', which included Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, and Tamil, and social reform by the repeal of the existing caste systems, religious practices and recasting women's equal position in the society.

The movement gave high significance to feminist values. And the movement gained notoriety across the nation for its belief in inter-caste marriages, "self-respect marriages" conducted without a Brahmin priest. As a result, Tamil Nadu became the first state to legalise Hindu marriages without a Brahmin priest.

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