A Landmark Milestone! Covid Vaccine Administered In India Crosses 100-Crore Mark

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A Landmark Milestone! Covid Vaccine Administered In India Crosses 100-Crore Mark

Snehadri Sarkar
21 Oct 2021 11:11 AM GMT

India now sits second on the list with China on top with 2,23,20,88,000 COVID vaccine doses administered so far.

India on Thursday, October 21, scripted history by crossing the 100-crore mark of administering COVID-19 vaccine doses, nine months after the Centre launched a nationwide vaccination programme. The Centre embarked on the vaccine drive on January 16, 2021.

To celebrate this landmark feat, Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare Mansukh Mandaviya also launched a song by Kailash Kher and an audiovisual movie to celebrate the milestone of administering 100 crore COVID vaccine doses.

According to an official release, the largest khadi tricolour in the country, weighing approximately 1,400 kg, will be on display at the Red Fort on Thursday, October 21, to celebrate India's achievement.

The same tricolour with dimensions 225 feet by 150 feet was unfurled on October 2 – Gandhi Jayanti – in Leh.

PM Modi Sings Praises

Prime Minister Narendra Modi took to Twitter and lauded the recent triumph of Indian science and the collective spirit of every individual in the country. The PM also congratulated the frontline workers for their relentless commitment for helping India fight this global pandemic.

Meanwhile, Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma also took to Twitter to express his thoughts on India crossing the 100-crore vaccination mark and said: "#VaccineCentury is a moment to cherish forever! We are so proud of your determination Adarniya Pradhan Mantri Sri @narendramodi that helped us achieve this historic feat. It also exhibits triumph of your steely resolve Sir. Big congratulations to doctors, nurses and officials."

The Global Vaccination Numbers

After crossing the 100 crore vaccination mark, India now sits second on the list with China on top with 2,23,20,88,000 COVID vaccine doses already administered so far. Meanwhile, US and Brazil are occupying the third and fourth spot with 40,94,38,987 and 25,88,23,504 administered doses to date.

India's vaccine drive seems to be on track after months of crippling shortage. In fact, the country had to halt vaccine exports to meet the growing demand at home. The Supreme Court also pulled up the Centre over its vaccine policy.

Last week, India resumed vaccine exports again.

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