
Exploring Penalties and Legal Implications for Drunk Driving

Driving While Being Drunk is No Less Than Playing With Fire.
Driving while being drunk is no less than playing with fire. Even when everyone knows it’s risky, some people continue to do it. In India, where streets are quite crowded, it is already challenging to drive through the crowd while being sober. Yet again, drinking and driving can have severe consequences.
Read on as we discuss the penalties, legal implications, and fines associated with drunk driving consequences in India. Take a look!

Penalties and legal implications in India

Driving drunk is not only morally wrong but also against Indian law. If caught, you can face a hefty drunk and drive penalty, licence suspension, or even jail time. If an individual is found with alcohol levels in their blood (which exceeds 30 mg. per 100 ml. of blood), they are said to be driving under the influence of alcohol. The Motor Vehicles Act of 1988 strictly prohibits driving under the influence, with penalties ranging from fines to imprisonment. Take a look

  • Legal implications:

According to Section 185 of the Motor Vehicle (Amendment) Bill 2016, driving while intoxicated or under the influence of narcotics is penalised for the first offence by up to six months in jail and/or a drunk driving fine of up to 10,000. If a further/second offence is committed within three years following the first offence, it is punishable by no less than two years in prison and/or a fine of three thousand rupees.

  • Fines:

Besides legal implications, many individuals caught driving under the influence of alcohol get away by paying a drunk-and-drive fine. However, these can be hefty, depending on the severity of the offence and the jurisdiction. Additionally, being caught driving under the influence can have a significant impact on your car insurance, often leading to increased premiums or even cancellation of your policy.

  • Licence suspension:

Drunk driving can result in the suspension of your driving licence for six months.2 This means that you will be legally prohibited from driving any motor vehicle during your suspension period.

  • Imprisonment:

In serious cases, particularly if the offence results in accidents causing injury or death, you may face imprisonment. Jail terms can range from a few months to several years, as decided by the law and the circumstances of the case.


Drinking and driving can cause severe consequences, besides the legal implications. Some include:

  • Risk of life:

Driving under the influence not only results in injuries or fatalities for other people but for the ones driving as well.

  • Legal repercussions:

In addition to the legal consequences listed above, you can face the backlash for a lifetime. Criminal records can affect your employment opportunities, financial strain, travel plans, and social standing status.

  • Emotional impact:

The emotional toll extends beyond the legal implications. Survivors of accidents can suffer from trauma, anxiety, and depression, while families of victims are left to deal with grief and loss.


The penalties for driving under the influence are harsh and extensive in India. The effects can be life-altering, ranging from emotional toll on individuals and families to legal consequences and financial strains. Hence, it is best to avoid such situations and understand the complexity of the matter.


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