News | Image Source: Elite Readers
Technology can build the world, can destroy the world or can save it from disasters. Here we are talking about an engineering marvel which can save millions of lives from the frequently happening floods. With rising global temperature, we have been seeing frequent floods.
When Grein, a city in Austria was getting deluged from the Danube river in 2013, the city officials and officials of other territories that were in danger of being hit by overflowing river water sought technology to ensure safety of their citizens. They had mobile flood walls installed.
When Grein was hit by floods
Image Source: imgur
According to an article published on Elite Readers, a UK based Flood resolution company explained how it works “The system is based on an underground wall, protecting an area against groundwater that rises simultaneously with the level of flood waters. The depth of the underground wall is based on a bedrock and subsequently determines the height of the barrier”.
When there is no flood
Image Source: land-oberoesterreich
The underground wall is reinforced with concrete with parts of the system are equipped with elaborate mechanized wall fittings that can hold water. The wall was completed in 2013.
When there is danger of flood, stop planks are placed between the columns to form the wall
Image Source: nachrichten
The Logical Indian community congratulates Austria for coming up with such a brilliant technology. We hope that we also start working on the infrastructure to save ourselves from the floods that happen every year.