Source: Humans of Bombay
“We were on a train ride back from college when we began discussing the prospect of moving out and getting a place closer to college.
At that point we were just talking in the air but then our third friend actually mentioned that her grand dad had a 1BHK home in Parel that they were renting out – so we spoke to our parents who are right here in Bombay about renting this space—and they agreed!
We’ve actually been like pseudo moms to each other – if one of us is out too late and the other two are at home, we’ll call to check in on her and ask her when she’s coming home. In the morning one of us will fill three bottles of water and keep three oranges on the table for the other two. The environment is exactly like in a home where we make up for each other – one of us will clean if the other has exams and the same for laundry and buying groceries.
It’s been a learning experience because we never thought about paying bills before and now all of a sudden we were paying for electricity and groceries. Also it’s the best of both worlds because we meet our parents a few times a month and are close enough to our families in that sense, but at the same time we’re understanding the responsibilities that come with running a home.
“What’s the one experience that has left a mark on you?”
“It was this one rainy night when the electricity in our entire neighbourhood blew out and didn’t come back until the next morning. Eventually our laptop and phone batteries drained, so we borrowed a candle from our neighbour and ate our dabbas in that candlelight, without any technology interrupting us and had an amazing conversation all thanks to the Bombay rain!”