On Tuesday BSF 1995 vintage Superking B-200 chopper got crashed killing 10 BSF personal. The incident is called the biggest crash as the three officers and other technicians and engineers flying on the plane of the Border Security Force were trained to handle the Mi-17 V5. BSF has lost ten of its most experienced men who were killed in a tragic crash on Tuesday.
The pilot avoided the loss of civilian lives by taking away the plane from high-rising densely populated area of Dwarka.
Rajnath Singh on Wednesday was confronted by the tearful families of the BSF Jawas who lost their lives questioning why “old aircraft” were being used and lives of troops put at risk.
“Jawab dijiye (give me an answer). Why only soldiers get killed in such accidents and it never happens to VIPs,” shouted the daughter of sub-inspector Rabinder Kumar, who was among the 10 personnel killed in Tuesday’s crash.
It was just after Singh began meeting the families after paying tributes and placing floral wreaths on mortal remains of the occupants of the ill-fated Superking B-200 plane.
We request authorities to have fair investigation on this issue. And yes the question is very much valid “Why old aircraft are still in use?”. All the aircraft which are not fully fit to fly should be decommissioned. How many more lives our army needs to lose before we wake up to this chronic issue.