
SIP Calculator: A Step-by-Step Guide To Calculate Returns

A Comprehensive Guide to Using SIP Calculator and Achieving Financial Goals

SIP calculator
serves as a straightforward yet powerful tool for strategizing your investments
and staying on course to accomplish your financial objectives. It can help you
calculate the returns from your Systematic Investment Plan or SIP.

It works by factoring in things like:

  •  The amount you invest each month
  • The number of years you plan to invest
  • The expected annual return from your investments
The tool then uses the power of compounding to show you how much your corpus can grow over time. This helps you plan better and ensures you have enough investments to meet your financial goals.
How to Use a SIP Calculator in 3 Easy Steps
  1. Enter the amount you plan to contribute each month to your SIP investment.
    For example, if you want to invest Rs.5000 per month, enter Rs.5000.
  2.  Choose how long you want to invest and your expected annual returns.
     For example, if you want to invest for 10 years and expect 10% returns, enter 10 years and 10%.
    * The longer your investment duration, the more your money can grow.
  3.  The SIP calculator will show you how much your investment can accumulate over time based on the numbers you entered.

    SIP calculator can also help determine if your investment plan is realistic based on your financial situation. You may need to adjust the amount you contribute each month or your expected returns to meet your goals. It’s all about balancing what you can contribute with the returns you need to generate.

    You can download the SIP Calculator App to get a clear idea of your SIP returns.

SIP Investment Amount: How Much Should You Invest?

How Much You Can Afford to Invest

A general guideline is to allocate around 10-15% of your monthly income towards a SIP. However, the actual amount depends on your financial situation and goals. Some factors to consider:

  • Your monthly expenses and bills: Make sure you can invest money after covering essential costs.
  •  Your short- and long-term goals: Invest more if you want to achieve major goals like buying a house or retiring early.
  • Your risk tolerance: Invest less if market volatility makes you uncomfortable. Start with a smaller amount and increase over time as you gain confidence.

For optimal returns, financial experts advise investing a minimum of 20% of your salary in mutual funds. Start with what you can and increase the SIP amount annually as your income rises. The power of compounding will help even small investments grow over time.

Choosing an Amount That’s Right For You

  • For beginners, start with an amount you won’t miss each month, maybe Rs. 1,000 to Rs. 3,000. Increase the amount over time as you get comfortable.
  • If saving for a short-term goal in 3-5 years, invest at least 15-20% of your monthly income. For example, invest Rs. 7,500 per month if your salary is Rs. 50,000.
  • For long-term wealth creation, invest at least 25-30% of your monthly income. The more you invest, the faster your money can grow over 10-20 years or more
  • Revisit your SIP amounts annually and increase the investment amount by at least 10% to stay ahead of inflation. Pick a SIP amount that won’t disrupt your budget and set up automatic payments each month. Over time, make investing for your future a habit and priority to achieve financial freedom and meet your life goals.
Expected Rate of Return: A Realistic Assumption

Determining the anticipated rate of return is among the most challenging assumptions in calculating investment returns. This is the annual return you anticipate earning on an investment over time. While past performance is no guarantee of future results, it can provide a reference point.

Look at Historical Data

Check the historical returns of the mutual fund, ETF, or other investment you’re interested in. See how it has performed over 3, 5, and 10 years. This can provide a sense of the historical range of returns it has delivered to investors. Of course, there’s a chance future returns could be higher or lower.

Factor in Inflation

Make sure the return you expect is greater than the average annual inflation rate. If inflation is 3% per year, aiming for a 6-8% return would allow your money to grow in real terms after accounting for inflation.

Consider Your Risk Tolerance

The higher the return, the more risk that is usually involved. If you’re investing for the long run, you may be able to tolerate more risk for the potential of greater rewards. For short-term goals, you’ll want an expectation of stable, modest returns.

Be Realistic

In the end, it’s best to establish an expected rate of return that you believe has a reasonably good chance of being achieved based on the investment option and your own financial situation. Don’t get overly optimistic in your assumptions. An expected return that’s too high could lead to disappointment if it’s not actually earned over time.

Using these guidelines, you can determine an expected rate of return assumption that is grounded in facts, accounts for key factors like inflation, and matches your own risk tolerance and investment timeline. While the future is uncertain, making informed estimates will help ensure your investment plan has the best chance of success.


Using a SIP calculator is extremely useful for any investor. It aids in offering clarity and guidance, enabling you to make optimal choices for your financial future. Regularly checking in on your investment progress is key to success. Being aware of your investment returns will assist you in making superior investment choices and instill confidence that your money is actively working for you.


2023-07-22 11:56:12.0

SIP Calculator: A Step-by-Step Guide To Calculate Returns

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