
India Unveils World’s First Portable Disaster Hospital: A Game-Changer For Emergency Healthcare

This extraordinary facility, consisting of 72 versatile cubes, can be swiftly airlifted to disaster-stricken areas, delivering critical medical aid when it's needed most.

In a groundbreaking development, India has introduced the world’s first portable disaster hospital, revolutionizing emergency healthcare capabilities. This extraordinary facility, consisting of 72 versatile cubes, can be swiftly airlifted to disaster-stricken areas, delivering critical medical aid when it’s needed most. This pioneering endeavor is an integral part of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ambitious “Project BHISHM” (Bharat Health Initiative for Sahyog Hita and Maitri), unveiled in February 2022, which aims to enhance healthcare accessibility and disaster response across the nation.


2023-09-08 08:12:38.0

India Unveils World’s First Portable Disaster Hospital: A Game-Changer For Emergency Healthcare

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